If you qualify, an old age pension can be paid to you in Canada but cannot be transferred as a lump sum.  For more information or to apply, see https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad. Before you claim your pension. If you have not already done so, you should investigate making additional lump sum contributions so that you could enjoy a higher pension payment.

You should also be aware that once the state pension starts to pay out, the amount you get is what you are going to get for the rest of your life while in Canada. Unfortunately, residents of Canada (and some other Commonwealth countries) do not enjoy the annual cost of living increase that pensioners in the UK get.

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Did You Know?

If you are going to retire in Canada and you have a Defined Contribution Pension in the UK, life might be better if you transfer the funds to Canada.

If you leave your plan in the UK and it comes into payment, you will normally be paid in British pounds. You will have all the hassle and expense of converting every payment to dollars.
Did You Know?

If you are going to retire in Canada and you have a Defined Benefit Pension in the UK, life might be better if you transfer the funds to Canada.

Your retirement expenses will be growing in line with Canadian inflation (which could be quite different from UK inflation). So a transfer out into a QROPS may be a better fit with your retirement plans.
Did You Know?

When your pension plan starts paying out, the amounts received will be taxable in Canada whether you leave the pension in the UK or have it transferred to Canada.

If you transfer your UK pension to Canada, it may qualify to go into a special type of RRSP. There is no tax on the lump sum transfer and you would only pay tax when you take some money out.